Sunday, January 14, 2007


My bedroom. With the satin sheets! Ehehehehe... notice the bedside table? It has my super-duper ultra loud alarm clock! My journal, my candle and my handphone.
The view from my bedroom window. I am on the 20th floor... so, I have a bird's eye view of the surroundings.
My little couch and my matching carpet. The table doubles up as a dining table too!
Another bedroom which is like a storeroom cum studyroom. I am rarely in this room...
A different angle of the living room.

Sunday is usually a lazy day...the clock strikes 6 in the evening and that unmistakable sense of dread. It will be the beginning of a work week soon.

Today is different.

I cleaned, all because of the horror stories I heard yesterday while out with my more experienced city-dwelling friends. RATS, LIZARDS, COCKROACHES, WORMS, SPIDERS.

Imagine my horror when they relayed stories about rats having a tete-a-tete in homes with their human inhabitants, or worms crawling out of the sewage holes in toilets and sinks OR the proliferation of lizards and spiders. Creepy crawlies. I shall qualify, I am wholeheartedly afraid of ALL of them. In a valiant bid to ensure that I will never have to lay a rat-trap in my humble apartment, I was on a mission this lovely Sunday morning.

I cleaned. I swept, wiped, swept, mopped, scrubbed and cleaned everywhere and anywhere. No maid, no stranger, no one can clean like me. I was out to ease my own paranoia and fear. I had to know that the cracks, under the bed, under the sofa, on the ceiling... I HAD to know that nothing was there. A scurrying rat... though very unlikely in my abode deserved to know that a tete-a-tete with me will never be an option.

Contigency plan in case creepy crawlies decide to strike:

I will grab my keys, take the lift downstairs and summon help from the security guard on duty.

"Please Sir. PLEASE! TOLONG!".


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